I've been up for what seems like hours already this morning, were having a new boiler fitted. So I needed to be up ready for when the plumber arrive nice and early. I know it's only 9.10 a.m. at the moment, but it's not what I consider early and they're not here yet. Anyway enough moaning about that and onto the reason I'm here. This morning I wanted to share my December Quintiles with you (I've made them both the same so I'm only showing one). Those who follow regularly will know that on the Chocolate Baroque group, there are a few of us who make these little 5x5 tiles and swap them every month. December's is the last before we move onto something new next year. I stamped with versamark and then embossed with white embossing power to start with, them blended distress inks in Tumbled Glass and Stormy Sky's across the card. I then stamped the scene stamp onto some card with Midnight blue Stazon, then cut around the outside and mounted it onto the tile. I added some gems to the centres of the snowflakes. After swapping two tiles every month, I've now got a beautiful collection of 22 tiles and another two to come. I have given some thoughts to what I'm going to do with them all and have decided to place them all in a scrapbook, they're far too good to leave tucked away somewhere.
Thanks for taking the time to look, and your kind comments which are always appreciated.
So beautiful with the blue monochromatic colouring.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}
Lovely embossed snowflakes and another wonderful scene! NancyD
Hi Sue.....found you while blog hopping & am following you.....hope that's OK! Love your tile, the blues are just beautiful & that image is stunning.....something else to go on my wish list lol!
hugs Jo x
Hi Sue, gorgeous design, love the blue background and snowflakes. The blue/white combo is fabulous. Take care, Shirleyx
so very beautiful Sue - love the colours and the crisp snowflakes and other images - just beautiful - love it all xx
I love the blue and white, so effective. That little scene is so pretty as are the snowflakes. Michelle x
Hi Sue, beautiful snowy card! Love the shading and also your idea with the stamping of the card from your previous post, great work! warm greet Mirandax
beautiful! very pretty snow card. the stars is great.
what a gorgeous card! I am loving the blue and white - beautifully done!
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